Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (ESL)
Our CLD Specialist is here to:
- teach English language courses that engage students with integrated practice (speaking, listening, reading, and writing)
- offer one-on-one support for students in other block courses
- consult with faculty on the best culturally responsive practices for engaging with CLD students
- advise for Princeton Fellowships (Africa, Asia, Latin America)
Please contact Chelsea Walter, CLD Specialist, at 719-227-8288 or email her at View profile >>
English as a Second Language (ESL) is an integral part of the services offered to the culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) student population at Colorado College. Courses provide auxiliary practice with written and spoken skills. ESL support is available to any non-native English speaker on campus.
ED 200 - Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners
This course introduces students to theories, applications, and issues related to teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Language Learners (ELL). Students read second language acquisition theory and learn strategies for working with diverse populations and for making content area lessons accessible to ESL/ELL students. The course includes a field observation practicum component. 1 unit
GS201 - Advanced Written Practice in ESL
Language practice and support for any student whose native language is not English. Review of and practice in American academic writing conventions, mechanics, and English grammar. Writing Intensive. .5 unit
GS 208 - Advanced Language Practice for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
This course will provide holistic language support for any culturally and linguistically diverse student. The material will focus on strengthening oral fluency, listening, and note-taking skills through pronunciation practice, vocabulary development, idiomatic expressions, classroom discussion, and presentations. Material will also focus on necessary writing and reading skills, such as understanding prompts, writing expectations, and the writing process, avoiding plagiarism, formatting, synthesizing, editing, and revising. These skills are intended to be directly utilized in concurrent block courses. Personal understanding of American social and cultural topics will also be facilitated. The course will meet twice per week over 4 blocks. 1 unit